18 For 18… 12 Days of Christmas

18 for 18…

  • Finally finished my A Levels. Last ever day of CPC. Kinda sad…kinda glad. Very grateful for such amazing teachers.


  • Got a BEM. Really weird.


  • Birmingham Transplant Games. Won my first ever medals as an adult competitor. Amazing few days.


  • Got selected for the World Transplant Games in Newcastle 2019. Could not be happier about it.


  • Did a speech at the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation conference. Quite scary but also so fun.


  • Was awarded a ‘Point of Light’ award. Got a Christmas card from Theresa May.


  • Interview in University College Cork for a scholarship. Was accepted onto said scholarship. Unfortunately not accepted into the uni so that’s not ideal. Decided to view it as a positive and accept that that is not my path at this point in time. Now trying to figure out what my path is…slightly lost. Enjoying the journey though.


  • Travelled solo. Discovered I really love it. Finding my solo trips lots of fun, very empowering and loving the independence. Must do more of this.


  • Lots of nights out. Most of them in Halo. Enjoying being young.


  • Celebrated my three year anniversary of my third liver transplant. Happened the same week as the B.E.M ceremony and being selected for the World Games. Was an amazing week.


  • Hospital admission and unexpected procedure. Another hospital admission…mid exams. Another unexpected procedure. Took most of my exams at home while kinda still recovering.


  • Earned my first ever proper pay cheque. Spent my first ever proper pay check.


  • Watched my friends do some pretty cool things on the other side of the world. Was very happy to have them home again though.


  • Wrote lots of blogs. Hope people read a few of them.


  • Did a few other speeches. Trying to find new ways to tell my story is challenging but always worth while.


  • Went to some meetings about the Northern Ireland Organ Donation consultation. Despite not having a functioning government, we are making progress.


  • Had a whole year being discharged from the eating disorder service. Ran into some bumps along the way, but I’m getting there.


  • Have had yet another ‘extra year’ due to the power of organ donation.


There are so many other things that have happened this year. Little moments that mean the world. Firsts. Lasts. Lots and lots of laughs. 2018…you’ve been pretty good to me. I am so thankful for everything that has happened this year. For everything it has taught me, everything I’ve experienced and everything I’ve been a part of.


I think beyond everything, this year has helped me to see that sometimes it’s okay not to have everything exactly figured out. It is okay to enjoy the scenery without knowing where the road leads. And that life is too short to be anything other than 100%, unapologetically yourself. Weird and wonderfully, yourself.


Wishing everyone a very happy New Year’s Eve, countdown into 2019 with the people you love and be grateful for everything 2018 has brought you.


See you next year!


Lucia X

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