Happy New Year!
The start of a new year, new plans, new ideas and new goals. This year, the Live Loudly campaign has got some very exciting plans in the making.
First and always foremost, we continue to work on our goals of encouraging everyone to have the conversation about organ donation, getting organ donation onto the school curriculum and normalising the conversation around yours and your families wishes.
However, this year we will also be working on another project that will go hand in hand with raising awareness of organ donation.
Throughout 2018, we will be fundraising for three charities. Birmingham Children’s Hospital, The Royal Victoria Hospital for Sick Children in Belfast, and something new for Live Loudly – the Antrim CAMHS unit (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services).
Over the next few days, the blogs will be explaining the reason behind each charity. They are all personal to myself, and have all been a huge part of my life over the last ten years.
This year is set to be very exciting, and of course any attention that the fundraisers receive will be a chance to spread the awareness of organ donation.
There will be more information about some of the events we hope to do coming within the next month, some will be sports based, entertainment, and hopefully we will bring back the Gala Dinner which proved so successful in 2016!
So, watch this space and keep up to date with the blogs and our social media accounts for all the latest news!
In the meantime, let one of your New Years resolutions be to have the conversation about organ donation with your loved ones.
You sign up, I’m signing off
Lucia X