I think we can all agree that starting a conversation about what will happen when you die or your loved ones pass, is not the most enjoyable or natural thing to do. However, it is one of the most important conversations to have with family and friends. The question is, how to actually begin those discussions?
We have a few tips to help make it a little easier if you feel uncomfortable:
- Show your family our website, and it may help to make the conversation easier to start.
- If you see an advert or story about Organ Donation anywhere, start talking about it that way, and it will naturally progress to your own wishes.
- Maybe someone you know has been affected by Organ Donation and you begin by discussing that, and it will lead into your own opinions.
- If you are at an age where you are applying for a driving licence, the application will ask you if your wish to be a donor, and you can start the conversation that way.
- There is a great website aimed at slightly younger children here which will make bringing up this subject easier and fun!
- Alternatively, just know that having a slightly hard conversation now, will save you or your loved ones from having to make such a difficult decision at a time of great stress – because they already know what you wanted!
This is also why Live Loudly Donate Proudly is so passionate about getting Organ Donation onto the national school curriculum. This will enable young people to have the confidence to bring the conversation home and talk openly with their parents about their wishes. It will give them the information they need to make an informed and educated decision, and have a calm, collected conversation with their family.
Just by having one conversation, before anything happens to you or your family, it can save up to 9 lives, and transform countless others. Please make sure you talk about it, and sign the register!
You sign up, I’m signing off,
Lucia x