Service in Honour Of Lucia

The service for Lucia Quinney Mee, held on Wednesday 3rd June 2020, 4:00pm, in Honor Oak Crematorium, Camberwell, London, is now available to view, until 30th June 2020, on the following link:

Username: Huji0614
Password: 102516

We are grateful to all who played a part in the service and to those able to honour Lucia with their presence in person or online in many other locations, within and beyond these shores.

We are also moved by and grateful for the many cards and messages that reflect Lucia’s joyful and encouraging impact on so many people of all ages.

Knowing Lucia as we do, we will travel on from here in friendship and solidarity with one another, expecting to see her light and inspiration ahead of us, awake to the love that holds us together.

Live Loudly, Donate Proudly.

Swimming to the surface

Lucia has managed Live Loudly Donate Proudly with energy, grace and wisdom since starting the campaign in September 2015.

Her last blog was from the Liver Intensive Therapy Unit of King’s College Hospital, London, two and a half months after her fourth liver transplant. Lucia, with everyone, was working towards her recovery.

What follows is a message that we, Lucia’s sister Alice and her parents Rachel and David, shared on Sunday 24 May 2020.

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