Intensive music therapy…

Fourth day of Christmas and four more songs for the Live Loudly Donate Proudly 12 days of Christmas Organ Donation Playlist.  And we hope you can find a snappier title for your playlist than that…

Today’s contribution is from Megan, who, when we first met her, was one of those incredibly attentive, skilful and caring nurses working in a Liver Intensive Therapy Unit (LITU).  (She is still all of those things, of course, just not working in the same place.)

Intensive care is just that – care that is intensive, in detail, attention, sensitivity, intuition, professional skill and practical love.  Not surprising that the intensity should be reflected in the range of emotions in Megan’s gift of these songs.  We add them to our playlist with resounding gratitude for all those ready to care for us in these exceptional places.

“Nick Cave – Into My Arms. This is an emotive song for lots of reasons, and one I strongly associate with LITU.

Kamasi Washington – The Rhythm Changes.  A song which always makes me feel good, and I regularly used to put on after a shift to get me back to myself.

Captain Beefheart – I’m glad.  Another song I find emotive, but sometimes we all need a good cry and this can get me going.

Bettye Swann – (My Heart is) Closed for the Season.  I had this on before I went to one of my last Christmas parties with LITU before dancing all night long with some brilliant colleagues. Reminds me of a brilliant night.”   

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