It’s an ODD day in Northern Ireland today. Organ Donation Discussion day. And here’s an odd fact to go with it. It seems about 90% of people who live in Northern Ireland support organ donation – yet only about 50% have signed the organ donor register. (To be honest, that doesn’t make us any odder than most places in the UK.) So today’s aim is to give us another little nudge and see if a few more of us can sign up, and, most importantly, talk to our families and loved ones about our decisions. It’s a Northern Ireland initiative but don’t feel left out if you don’t live here. Join in – there are no borders on this topic! Every little helps to prompt us along, reminding us to have those conversations. It can be as simple as a logo on a shirt sleeve…
In early May 2020, Ballycastle’s Cross & Passion College, where Lucia and her sister Alice had been students, asked if Lucia would be happy for the school to promote her campaign, Live Loudly Donate Proudly, by using the campaign logo on their new PE shirts. Lucia was astonished at the generosity and commitment of the gesture and immediately approved, wide-eyed and visibly moved at such kind support. Though Lucia would not get to see the shirts herself, it is always wonderful for us to see them worn by students in the streets of Ballycastle. It is a gracious gift to see these carriers of Lucia’s story. A beautiful and effective way to remind us all of the life-giving, life-transforming gift of organ donation. Small ways to prompt such vital conversations, reminding us of the importance of giving voice to our choice, living loudly about our decision to be willing donors, and being proud of it.

Then, as the sporting season changed this year, our local Ballycastle United Football Club also offered to team up with Live Loudly Donate Proudly, adding the logo to the sleeve of their own new football strip, fundraising for Live Loudly Donate Proudly chosen charities, and promoting organ donation awareness through their club, their fixtures and their publicity. This generous partnership will continue until the club’s 50th anniversary closing Gala Dinner in 2023.

At the Club’s first event, an evening pub quiz, (the two-person team representing Live Loudly Donate Proudly came last!) £550 was raised towards Transplant Sport. The true figure was much higher if the generous donations of prizes are added in to the total. There were thanks for many people on that first night, and, for all that, never a match for the gratitude to those organ donors and their families who give new life in their own darkest moments.
What might start the conversation where you are?
For some it may be those generous decisions to add a logo on a sport shirt, and to wear it with honour. There is no telling how many conversations, actions and gratitude that may bring about…
For others it may be going to the Belfast Giants ice hockey match this evening, when organ donation will be given pride of place through a half-time interview with Máirtín Mac Gabhann whose 5-year old son, Dáithí, is waiting for the opportunity for a heart transplant. (Read a bit more here.)
So, if you’re out there wearing one of those shirts or in any other way helping someone towards a conversation about organ donation, today or any other day, be proud of yourself. Lucia would be proud of you…