Twelfth day of Christmas. (Far too soon…)
Music can be a vehicle for emotions when words fail, answers run out and feelings run deep and linked to the personal stories in these 12 days of blogs, it’s a vehicle with a powerful engine. Listening to these 44 contributions, over two and a half hours of music, and turning them round for each day has, for us, been an experience of visiting, in some cases revisiting, some of their personal highs and lows with these friends. They have each given generously not just a few song suggestions but honest and candid glimpses into some quite intimate experiences. A brave gift, to be received gently. To quote the poet…”Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.” (WB Yeats.) So, to all our contributors, in the words of Abba (nearly), “We say thank you for the music, for giving it to us!” Thank you.
Two songs in particular have become popular anthems for occasions when many of the transplant family are together in one place – and that’s usually at the end of the Transplant Games – sung by all with vigour and emotion. We started with an instrumental version of this first classic, another version made it onto an NHS Charity single, many others have made it their own, and we’ll add the song again because, well, because we hope it’s true…You’ll never walk alone, by Gerry and the Pacemakers.
And we’ll give the last song choice to Sara, a paediatric dietitian and, until last year, much-loved Team Manager for the Birmingham Children’s Transplant Team. It’s been mentioned by more than a few, it’s in the heart of the Birmingham team, but the sentiments are echoed with the same conviction, poignancy and joyfulness by countless others who know the trials and rewards of transplants.
“I read the request for music with interest…and before I could finish the thread, I could hear the team belting out We are the champions, by Queen, loud and proud in my head. Seeing them all, arms draped over each other in that circle of champions ❤️. Each one of the young people, parents, family members & health care professionals really knowing what it took to become ‘champions of the world’. How hard the fight had been and continued to be. And each of them singing at the top of their voice – for themselves, their families and their donors…ALL champions!!!
Thanks for being with us for these blogs, if you have. Thanks for the ‘likes’ and hearts, reposts and whatevers on social media. Do be a champion and sign up, it really takes less time than listening to any of these songs and may have an affect that lasts a whole new lifetime. Most importantly, please make sure your family know. And, if you’ve done all that already, play the music and start another conversation with someone else. Any stone in this pool creates ripples and makes a difference.
May the New Year be kind and gentle with you and yours…